Fraunhofer IOSB

Fraunhofer IOSB

Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB) ín Karlsruhe is one of 60 institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft which is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. IOSB develops technologies and systems in the business segments automation, energy and environment, civil security, defense and visual inspection. Main research areas of the division Measurement, Control and Diagnosis Systems (MRD) are modelling, control and optimization of industrial end environmental processes.

The competencies of MRD range from various kinds of simulation methods (e.g. block oriented models, Finite Element Method), model and knowledge based control methods to machine learning and Data Mining (e.g. based on artificial Neural Networks). Dr. Thomas Bernard is leader of the research group Control and Mechatronics Systems. The research of IOSB is based on advanced software tools and development environments and experienced scientists. IOSB has contributed in the last years to the BMBF founded CBRNE projects AquaBioTox (2008 – 2010) and STATuS (2008 – ongoing). In the project SMaRT-OnlineWDN Fraunhofer IOSB will mainly contribute to (i) smart sensors and alarm generation, (ii) detailed 3D-modelling and simulation of flow and transport phenomena and (iii) concept development for online source identification.