ENGEES (Ecole Nationale de l’eau et de l’environnement de Strasbourg) is a civil and environment engineer school. Future engineers are trained in the fields of: urban hydraulics; public amenities (drinking water, sanitation, waste); sustainable spatial planning; management of environmental and sanitary risks management of public utilities. Its research department is composed of 3 units, 2 of them are involved in this project.

  • GESTE laboratory is a joint Research unit Irstea-ENGEES whose studies are centred on “territorial management for water and environment”. GESTE is a multidisciplinary team ineconomics, public management, sociology and urban engineering working on question such as environmental economics, social acceptability of equipments, risk analysis, public policies, and sustainable asset management for water and sewer systems… GESTE was involved in CARE-W, CARE-S and INDIGAU projects which where focused on asset management for water or sewer pipes, so taking into account accidental failures.
  • IMFS: The Team Urban Hydraulics (HU) is apart of the Institute of Mechanics of Fluids and Solids of Strasbourg (IMFS) (IMFS-HU), a joint research unit CNRS-­Strasbourg University-­ENGEES, who aims to study the urban sanitation, water supply and distribution of drinking water. Activities laboratory aim to develop tools for the design, management equipment and management systems for building owners, contractor works and offices. The scientific approach is firstly on a coupled approach between experience, theory and modelling and also on two transverse issues concerning looking for the best digital tools and metrology.

This partner is engaged in a search for understanding, modelling and simulation of regulatory bodies that sewerage are the works of a spill. Alongside this work he was also interested in crucial problem of measurement and evaluation of flow (volume flow and pollution) discharged at the interfaces between the natural environment and the network and modelling water supply networks.