3S Consult GmbH

3S Consult GmbH

The small sized company 3S Consult GmbH (3S) has currently 14 employees. All of them have a degree in engineering, informatics or natural sciences. Since more than 25 years the main business of 3S consists of the combination of the development of the proprietary hydraulic simulation software SIR 3S® and engineering consultancies. The customers of 3S come from supply utilities selling drinking water, gas, heat and oil, but also in addition companies running cavern systems and producers of petrochemical products. Since its foundation 3S is originating and working on research projects. Currently, two research projects that are funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) are running: IWaNet (“KMU Innovative”, support code: 01IS09014) and STATuS (security research, support code: 13N10623). The range of engineering consultancy includes setup of mathematical models, model calibration, system analysis, assessment and optimization of systems and control strategies. 3S brings in its own contribution to the proposed research project in form of engineering and software-engineering-hours. This contribution is financed from the cash-flow of 3S.