Veolia Environment group is the world leader in environmental solutions with 320 000 employees in 67 countries. The company supplies water, collects and treats wastewater, manages energy systems, collects, treats and recycles wastes, and manages public transportation and freight services.
Veolia Environnement Recherche & Innovation (VERI), created in 2007, manages the research in the company’s four fields of activity (water, waste management, energy and transportation). Veolia Environnement’s research challenges derive from the fundamental issues of today’s world, in particular demographic pressure (scarcity of resources such as water, energy sources and arable land), urban pressure (with 60% of the population in cities in 2030) and energy pressures (moving towards less destructive and more ecological energy production, how to organise the transition to oil-­less economy). The VERI teams participate in many EU collaborative projects, e.g. TECHNEAU, MEDINA, AQUAFIT4USE, SECUREAU, TRUST. Experts are strongly involved in the Water and Sanitation Technology Platform (including the “sensors and monitoring Task Force”). Three teams will be involved in the SWARM project: Modelling and Advanced Process Control (sensors qualification, on‑line control of processes based on on-­line monitoring), Environmental Risks and Impacts (ecological indicators) and Environmental Modelling (river, lake and aquifer modelling tailored to the use in operations).